At Control Service Company, we don’t just talk about the importance of customer service; we live our brand by providing best-in-class building automation support. We work to understand the specific needs of each of our clients and their critical stakeholders, including managers, operators, architects, engineers, energy suppliers and others. Only then are we able to deliver energy-efficient web-based control systems that simplify facility management and improve customer comfort.
To ensure our customers have access to the resources and information they need when they need it most, we’ve developed three critical levels of support.
We believe that success begins with being able to effectively recruit, retain, and train a highly talented and motivated staff. We employ more than 20 systems and field engineers who are responsible for developing, designing, programming, installing and commissioning custom solutions for our customers. These employees average 13 years of experience in the industry, with several of our engineers having more than two decades of experience.
Our systems engineers are professional engineers who design, program and code graphics and applications tailored to meet each customer’s unique needs. Our field engineers include degreed professionals from various backgrounds and field-tested mechanical union technicians. We utilize this breadth of knowledge and experience to marry mechanical system commissioning with the technical aspects of an energy management system seamlessly, in turn providing owners with an expert level of confidence that the final system will function as designed.
Our three field engineering project teams are each led by a dedicated project director who manages two project engineers and one control technician. The project director is responsible for the overall coordination and communication for the project/contract, and works with the business development team after the project has been awarded to review project scope and discuss customer expectations. After this handoff, the project director meets with the engineering support team manager to coordinate the project submittal design, sequence code development and graphic design.
Throughout the control design process, the project director and his team coordinate with the engineer of record, mechanical contractor, and general contractor for construction coordination and design review. At the completion and after mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) approval of the control design, the project director is responsible for coordination with CSC’s purchasing coordinators for material and equipment procurement to ensure timely delivery of materials to the project. In parallel with that effort, the project director works with CSC’s installation team manager to coordinate either the CSC installation with in-house staff or subcontracting to an electrical subcontractor for the control installation.
Control Service Company has always thrived on helping customers understand their systems, whether working with them on-site or over the phone. At the core of our service team are our service field engineers who provide on-site technical support and 24/7 emergency service as needed. In addition to these efforts, we hired a dedicated phone support technician to assist customers at no charge during normal business hours. Initially the service was offered to service contract customers at an hourly rate.
In 2008, we recognized the growing demand for and value of this tailored support, and began offering it as an unlimited free service for our in-warranty and service contract customers. This provides customers with the freedom to call in for assistance on something as simple as changing a setpoint, asking for help with scheduling, or troubleshooting a mechanical problem. Time and again, customers tell us how invaluable our phone support is to their companies and why it helps differentiate Control Service Company from others in the marketplace.